Since you don't have Facebook ;)
I am a first grade teaching assistant this year. Today while at school, the kids were having trouble focusing on what the teacher was teaching. She got them all on track when a spider made a grand appearance on the "chart paper" hanging from the ceiling ( long paper hanging like a clothes line in the air) We tried to just ignor the spider but it was huge distraction for them...and me as well so I asked if she wanted me to just kill it. We decided that would be best.
With all 25 students sitting there criss cross apple sauce and quiet for the first time that afternoon ,I take off my shoe to hit the spider and I realized, "I can't smash a spider on a free hanging paper". I removed my other shoe thinking "Okay I can just put a shoe behind it and smash the shoes together."....such a blonde moment... next thought, "Omigosh that spider is huge! If I miss it will fall ON TOP OF ME ....and I will become..."indecent & hysterical" so I carefully eased my shoe behind the paper and the spider starts moving I quickly hit the paper and the spider starts did I.
I was trying to move back and my feet got tangled in the rocking chair the teacher was sitting in as I grabbed the chair I thought,
"Oh I'm fine" then I fell back with my arms holding my upper body and I honestly don't know what happened with my legs...I thought "Okay I got this"
I landed on my butt and was thinking "Ok, it's over"
NOPE NOT YET next thing I knew, I was flat on my back. The kids are all laughing so hard as is the teacher. I jump back to my knees because I don't know where the dumb spider is and there it is in the containers....I hit those stupid blocks so many time and the spider still lives...
My butt is so sore tonight, but as the teacher said, " Maybe we can write a story about that on Tues.!"
That wasn't quite what I had in mind for helping them learn how to take everyday life and tell a story...but looks like I was more helpful than I ever thought possible.
Oh my! That is awesome! Whatever it takes to get you writing again!
:) knew you would like that one...