Saturday, September 29, 2012

As tears fall...

As tears fall, God knows the reasons
As tears fall, burdens are lifted
As tears fall, the broken are mended
As tears fall, the Prodigals come Home
As tears fall, open wounds become a scar, just a reminder of what they once were.

As tears fall, the Orphan's remember, they were never completely abandoned, they'd always had a Heavenly Father who longed to fill the emptiness in their heart, who never would rejected them, He longed to be the Father they brought all their cares too, He longed for them to accept tears fall.

As tears fall only God can read the meaning, hear the unspoken words of our hearts, can understand the language of falling tear.

As tears fall, some turn and walk away leaving Life's greatest decision for "some other day"

As tears fall, some can't remember exactly when it was they started losing their way or how they got to where they are today

As tears fall, all of Heaven rejoyced

As tears fall, all of Heaven stood by, all of Hell fought, the Savior reached with Love, but the demons of the past were the chains that held them back

All of these, and many more, battles won, battles lost, but the war for souls still goes on.....I pray to God that our tears fall.


  1. Oh so beautifully written. Yes, tears fell as I read--I want to be faithful to pray, as the battle continues, for victory over lost souls.
