Thursday, March 15, 2012

Just a thought

Do you know how some people know it all....or at least in their own eyes. They don't hesitate to tell you they know it all either. It's always the should I say this....the ignorant or stubborn (for lack of a better word) who know it all.
It's one reason I can never be a teacher, you always have that one person who thinks they are smarter than the person who is teaching them...and it's not enough for them to "know" it they want you....and everybody around you to know it as well. Most times, they only prove how wrong they are.....yet oddly enough they themselves NEVER see's sad really.
 I was thinking about that though and I wonder how many times have I told God in action or words that my way was best. Or made the wrong choice and blamed God for the chaos I created, or accused Him of not loving me, not answering my prayers, or something equally stupid.....
 I have learned my lessons the hard way but some hurt in my life has not  been because I sinned or because God was punishing me for past sins but, because I made a wrong choice, I  can't just start smoking 5 packs of cigarettes a day  and think I will be the one person who is not affected by smoking, I can't drink & become an alcoholic and think I will be the one person who never gets liver cancer.

I can't stop people from making their own choices either. I am not responsible for the actions of others, I am only accountable to God for myself.  so after all these thoughts ran through my simple little mind, my prayer was "God, help me to be clay in your hands, to trust you with my Life. Not always second guessing you and taking the clay from you and saying I think it looks better this way or that, and ruing your work of art. Help me to remember no matter what emotions I may be feeling that You  really are working everything for my good!"

1 comment:

  1. Very well said, Jamie! I love this!!! God has been dealing with me so much lately about trusting Him to do the work... I would just get in the way and mess things up... He let me know I was tying His hands with my doubt and unbelief and lack of trust in Him to do what needs to be done in my life! So I'm in the process of trying to learn to walk by faith and not by feeling. It sure is easier said than done, though.. whew... I was crying today in prayer, begging God to help me hold out and keep trusting even though frustration is there to set in because things seem to be going in a totally different direction than what He promised and I have to hold to those promises and NEVER let go! He will help!!!
