Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Her burden should be "Our" Burden

I was sitting in church the other day thinking of some recent conversations with different people, and as I looked around at everybody talking, laughing before, then after church started worshiping and singing...the thought came to my mind, how many times do I, personally get so caught up in my own problems and my own busy selfish life that I don't REALLY see those around me.... and what about everybody else? If it happens to me, I'm sure it happens to others. So, I sat there hoping nobody would notice me crying and I started praying for each person the Lord let me "see" for each very different problem, He is the answer to them all, from that night came these simple thoughts...I did warn you they are simple, I am not spiritual or wise and don't claim to be either, God help me if I ever do! ;)

She sits two pews back, at the end of your seat, or maybe across the aisle
She's the teenage girl who comes with her brother, their parents stay at home
She's the mother of three who the Doctors just told, she may never live to grow old
She's that poor lonely widow, just getting by with no one to hold her when she cries
She's that stressed out parent trying to juggle Mommy, student and wife
She's the one who has fallen so far she is afraid to even try, so fear holds her captive, and each passing day it grows stronger, does anybody hear her silent plea
She's the prodigal daughter who longs to come Home, but can't quite find her way back. So her mother's prays with a heavy heart, hoping somehow and some day her daughter will come Home before it's to late.

Do I really see them, Do I even think to try
Or am I so caught up with my own Life that I didn't notice
Do I call their name in prayer, do I help them carry their load
Do I reach out in kindness and have compassion for all
Or am I unknowingly blind to the burdens of others

Open my eyes that I can see, as Christ would have us to see one another,
with compassion, Love, Forgiveness, Prayer, with open arms,  an encouraging word,
to speak the truth with love & humbleness
Wisdom to know the difference between Sin and the Sinner.
One of the greatest gifts a person can give is to say, I am praying for you.
One of the most powerful and healing words that can be received is for somebody to say to you, "I am praying for you, or I am praying for your lost family, I am praying for your healing, I am praying....for you" 
and to know they really mean it when they say it.
My prayer is that God gives me a burden for those around me, it isn't Christlike for me to see the broken heart of another and not care, not love them enough to help them pray through that prayer that could lift their burden and make Life bearable. After all, when I am broken.....who will pray for me.....


  1. I'm commenting, Jamie! :) This was good reading! I enjoy reading your posts! This is a much better way to keep up with friends. It's a glimpse inside your head and heart! Makes me feel closer to you! :) Love ya, girl! You're an inspiration to many!

  2. Awesome Jamie and so true! I enjoy your blogs so much . God has blessed you with great talents, we all need to be more concerned and have a burden for the lost, Jesus is coming soon and we gotta be ready. Love you, Mama Martha

  3. This is a post everyone should read, Jamie. You have a beautiful heart and God is using you to make us think and become aware of the heart cries of those around us.

  4. Thank- You guys, after I posted it I thought, nobody is going to understand that...they are going to think your weird! At least there are 3 of you who understood my heart ;) Thanks for the kind words.
    Mamaw, your right Jesus is coming soon, and I so want to be found waiting, not busy running pointless errands or something equally innocent that takes my eyes off of Him!
