This is my recipe, I got the original from The Duggar's website and just changed it to how I like it.
Liquid Laundry Detergent Initial Cost Around $12, Approximate Price per Batch $3.23
Makes 5-10gals.
1 bar Fels Naptha -Grate and add to a pan of hot water on stove, let melt completely. Slowly Pour in a 5 gal container with a lid.
1 C. Borax
1 C. Washing Soda
1 C. Oxy-Clean stain remover or any other type of stain remover you like.(I use the entire container of Oxy Clean stain Remover it cost almost $5 and is very good)
Essential Oils if desired (I don't add these, I use Store bought Fabric Softner and that gives your clothes all the scent you need)
Stir and let powders dissolve, fill container SLOWLY with water, let it sit overnight, and use a hand mixer the next day to stir it together. (I have to split it apart in two containers to do this but I just pour them back together when I am finished.)
~Sometimes mine starts expanding it gets real frothy so I just have an extra 5 gal storage container near by and put 1/2 in each and in the morning combine them after mixing. I think it is because I add the stain remover, as it never did that when I first used the Duggar recipe but, to me it is worth the extra trouble for the extra stain remover power in the detergent!
~You can add another 5 gal of water to make this 10 gal. of detergent. I don't because......My boys get their clothes pretty dirty and I need it as is.
I just use an old detergent lid to measure out for load or you can use 1/4 c. HE Machines use 1-2 TBSP
Powder Laundry Detergent Initial Cost Around $11, Price per Batch $
1 bar fels naptha grated
1C Borax
1C Washing Soda
1 C. Oxy-Clean , Biz or, whatever stain fighter you prefer in powder form
stir together and use 1/8 c for loads. HE Machines use 1 tsp.
Liquid Hand Soap cost $2! ( I didn't use Essential Oils)
1 bar of 4 oz soap- grated
1 gal of water
Essential oils if desired for scent
Put the Gal of Water on the stove in a big pan and start heating.
Grate Soap and add to the gal of water that has just started to steam ( DO NOT BOIL), let soap melt, use a hand mixer to stir and let it set overnight. The next morning, use a hand mixer till soap is blended together well.
Pour in your old soap dispensers and store in whatever you have around the house ;)
~I have not tried this yet with store bought type soaps I have read that it does not work with Dove soaps. I used a Glycerin soap for my first time. I will let you know how it turns out as I experiment with other soaps.
~Please Note Glycerin soaps DO NOT SUDS, they clean but there are no suds.
~Can also use as a shower Gel!
~ If your Soap is to thick, add water a little at a time till desired consistency, If it is thin, don't worry about it it will still clean and just remember next time to add a little more soap if you want it thicker.
I would just like to update, I do not make the hand soap anymore. Gary hated it cause it left a Glycerin type feel (filmy) to your hands and it doesn't suds so we just buy our handsoap.